How many players are there in a Kho Kho team?
What is the duration of a turn for sub junior team in Kho Kho match?
In which year was the Kho Kho Champions established?
Kho Kho is played on which shape of court?
Which country hosted the first-ever Kho Kho World Cup?
Which teams won the men’s and women’s Kho Kho World Cup 2025?
Who was the captain of the Indian men’s team in the 2025 Kho Kho World Cup?
Which country played against India in the finals of the 2025 World Cup?
What was the final score in women's categories match of Kho Kho World Cup 2025?
How many defenders enter for defence in a batch ?
Who scored 1st point in Kho Kho World Cup 2025?
How many countries participated in 1st Kho Kho World Cup?
Who was the captain of the Indian women’s team in the 2025 Kho Kho World Cup?
which country scored firstly 100 points in kho kho world cup?
Which country have scored maximum points in a single match of kho kho world cup 2025?