Kho Kho Court measurements

- ENDLINES – Measurements of ENDLINES for
A. MEN, WOMEN, BOYS & GIRLS (senior & junior) – 16 Meters.
B. SUB-JUNIOR/MINI – 14 Meters.
The linesparallel to each other having lengths equal to the length of KHOKHO field are known as SIDELINES.
Note: Measurements of SIDELINES for
C. MEN, WOMEN, BOYS & GIRLS (senior & junior) – 27Meters.
D. SUB-JUNIOR/MINI – 23Meters.
The limits of KHOKHO field are formed by meeting the ENDLINES .
The area between the post lines is known as COURT.
Two strong wooden posts smooth all over, diameter 120 to 125 cms. above and perpendicular to the ground, fixed firmly in the free zone at tangent to the Post Lines are known as POSTS. The points shall coincide with centre ofthe posts and shall be at a distance exactly half the width of the KHOKHO court.Their diameter shall be uniform throughout and shall measure between 9-10 cms.
Note: The POSTS shall not be tapered. Top of the POSTS shall be free from any sharp edges.
CENTRAL LANE is a rectangle in between two POSTS measuring 30 cms. X length of the COURT which divides the COURT in to two equal halves and forms SQUARES at the intersection of CROSS LANES.
Note: The length of the CENTRAL LANE
A. MEN, WOMEN, BOYS & GIRLS (senior & junior) – 23.50 Meters.
B. SUB-JUNIOR/MINI – 19.90 Meters.
Each of the rectangles, measuring 30 cms width of the court that intersects the central lane at right angles is known as a CROSS LANE.
The area of 30 cms 30 cms formed by intersection of CENTRAL LANE and CROSS LANE is known as a SQUARE.
1) The distance between adjacent SQUARES
A. MEN, WOMEN, BOYS & GIRLS (senior & junior) – 230 centimeters.
B. SUB-JUNIOR/MINI – 190 centimeters.
2) Distance between post line and first CROSS LANE
A. MEN, WOMEN, BOYS & GIRLS (senior & junior) – 250 centimeters.
B. SUB-JUNIOR/MINI – 210 centimeters.
.The lines which are at right angle to the central lane and parallel to the cross lane at tangent to the posts are known as LINES OF THE POSTS or the POST LINES.
The remaining portion of the field on either end of the court is known as FREEZONE.
Note: Dimensions of the free zone
A. MEN, WOMEN, BOYS & GIRLS (senior & junior) – 275 centimeters x 16 meters.
B. SUB-JUNIOR/MINI – 255 centimeters. x 14 meters.
The area surrounding the field by a measure of 1.5 meters in width is known as LOBBY.
Width of each line should be around 3 to 5 cms and is included in all the measurements.
The area marked in the lobby parallel to the side line and in the side of the scorer’s table with outer line of the lobby measuring 1 meter in width and from post line to third cross lane in length is known as ENTRY ZONE. It is meant for the runners to the field for the defence.
SITTING BLOCK for reserve players, coach and manager shall be either side of the field just outside of the lobby adjacent to the end lines.
The players who chase the opponents with a view to put out and at same time score points are known as CHASERS.
A player who pursues the player of the opposite side, that is defenders with a view to tag and touch them is known as ATTACKER.
The players of the side other than the chasers are known as RUNNERS.
The runners who are inside the field for their turn of defence are known as DEFENDERS.
To give KHO an attacker should touch the chaser from behind him/her and then utter the word KHO loudly and distinctly.
Note: If the action of uttering the word KHO precedes the action of touching by hand, then it shall be deemed as Foul. Simultaneous action of touching and uttering KHO is not a Foul. Single action of touching will not be deemed as Foul. However, uttering ‘KHO’ will be considered as Foul. If an attacker touches a chaser sitting in the square nearest the Post, KHO shall be given. If an attacker utters any word other than the word ‘KHO’, it will be deemed as Foul. Also, uttering the word ‘KHO’ or any word resembling ‘KHO’ by any of the chasers will be treated as Foul. The other actions being perfect, the following three actions of the attacker where a ‘KHO’ is given will be allowed. However, the feet of the attacker shall not go beyond the Cross Lane.
A. An attacker’s front foot need not necessarily be in touch with Cross Lane.
B. An attacker may be in the Cross Lane.
C. An attacker’s foot should have in touch with the Cross Lane, with the other portion
of his body going beyond that Cross Lane.
- After touching a chaser except nearest to the post (1st & 8th chaser) if an attacker moves away beyond the cross lane, he will be deemed to have continued his attack and hence shall not be allowed to utter ‘KHO’ from the distance, However, on Cross
Lane, he/she may come back and give ‘KHO’.
- An attacker can not rest or support on a chaser to put out a defender. It will be deemed as foul.
If an attacker or a chaser violets any Rules, it is known as FOUL .
When an attacker goes from one Post Line to another Post Line and/or after getting ‘KHO’ he/she goes to a particular Post Line, he/she is said to have taken a direction.
An imaginary line running through the centre of the shoulders of an attacker is known as SHOULDER LINE.
When an attacker while going to a particular direction touches the ground which he/she had already covered, he/she is said to have receded.
The ground covered will always refer to ground covered by rear foot in opposite direction.
When attacker loses contact of his/her feet with the free zone and comes in contact with the court by his feet, he/she is said to have left the free zone.
Note: Keeping within the rule of taking direction, an attacker can change his/her
direction by kicking the post by one leg and another in air.
Whenattacker loses contact of his/her feet with the court and comes in contact with the ground of the free zone by his/her feet, he/she is said to have reached the free zone.
If a defender loses contact of his/her feet with the field and comes out, he/she is said to have gone OUT OF FIELD.
A runner is said to have entered the field as soon as he/she loses the contact with the ground outside the field with his feet and comes incontact with the ground inside the field with his/her foot.