Rules Of The Game

- The play ground shall be marked as shown in the drawing last part DEFINITIONS.
- shall call for the spin of the coin (TOSS). He shall instruct one of them to call the choice of the side of the coin. He shall then declare the winner of the TOSS. shall stand at the centre of the court facing the scoring table with captains on either side.
Note: A. The winner of the toss will raise his arm and indicate immediately by his/her index finger either the central lane or the side line for the option of chasing or defence. No captain shall touch the coin.
B. Any eight chasers shall occupy the squares facing the side lanes in such a way that no adjacent chasers face the same side line. The ninth chaser shall stand in either of the free zones to start the chase. At the commencement of the turn, the first batch of three defenders shall be inside the limits (field) and the remaining runners shall occupy the seats meant for them. After the defender is out, he/she shall occupy the seat meant for him/her. After the commencement of the turn, no chaser shall leave the square without getting KHO or change the face. If he/she does so, it is a foul and repetition of the same will amount to misbehavior.
-  An attacker, as a rule, shall not cross the central lane to go to the other half of the court or to the free zone.
- If the KHO is to be given, it shall be given from behind a chaser. It shall begiven in a sufficiently loud tone so that the defenders and the officials can hear Thechaser shall not get up without getting KHO.
Note: A. An attacker shall not give KHO by touching the arm or the leg or any part of the body extended or tilled towards him by a chaser.To give a KHO touching on the back of the chaser should not be insisted upon.
- After giving a KHO, an attacker shall cease to be so and shall sit down immediately in the square of the chaser to whom he has given a KHO.
Note: A. after giving a perfect KHO, if the chaser while sitting loses the contact ofthe cross lane, it shall not be a foul.
B.The natural time needed to sit on the square after giving KHO must be allowedHowever, this should not obstruct the game of defender. If he/she does so, it should be declared as foul.
- After getting a KHO,chaser will immediately be an attacker and shall go to the half that he/she is facing and shall go in the direction which he/she has taken by going beyond the cross lane or turning his/her shoulder towards any of the posts. Attacker shall take the direction according to one of the actions whichever he/she has performed first.
A. As long as any part of the foot of an attacker is touching the ground of a cross lane, he/she has not gone beyond that cross lane.
B. Defender shall be declared ‘out’ if an attacker puts him out (touches him/her) before leaving the square without committing foul.
- An attacker shall take the direction to which he/she turns his/her shoulder line. When an attacker, while going in a particular direction, turns his/her shoulder line through more than a right angle to the direction which he/she has already taken, it shall be a foul.
- Once an attacker has taken a direction, he/she shall go in that direction till he/she reaches the free zone unless he/she gives a KHO before that. An attacker shall not go to the other half of the court unless he/she turns around the post through the free zone.
- Â If an attacker leaves the free zone, he/she shall go in the direction of the other free zone, remaining on that half of the court where he/she was, when he/she left the free zone.
- Â The rules about taking the direction and receding shall not be applicable in the free zone.
- Â The chaser shall sit in a manner which shall not obstruct the defenders. If a defender becomes out by such an obstruction, he/she shall not be declared out.
A) If a chaser is found to be deliberately moving any part of his/her body which may obstruct a defender, he/she shall be warned by the officials and appropriate action will be taken.
B) The action of moving/tilting shoulder, thigh or any other part of the body towards a defender who is running near the central lane and closer to a chaser shall be treated as a foul.
- During a turn, an attacker may go out of court but he/she shall observe all the rules about taking direction and receding even when he/she is out of court.
The word ‘court’ is to be noted. Rules ofcourt are applicable within the area covered by or between the extended post lines.
Attacker will be allowed to enter the field/court as he wants, if he/she goes out ofcourt beyond the extended post lines. He/she shall not be insisted to enter through the free zone.
- Â A defender shall not touch a chaser. If he/she does so, he/she shall be warned once in a turn. If he/she repeats the same, he/she shall be declared out.
defender should be recorded in the ‘remarks’ column of the score sheet.
- Â A defender shall be declared out if he/she is touched by a hand by an attacker without violating any rule or if he/she goes out of field. He/she shall be declared out by a short blow of whistle.
A. Deliberate pushing, catching, pulling even by uniform or hitting will be treated as misbehavior.
B. While chasing a defender, if an attacker pushes the same defender out of field, the defender shall not be declared out.
C. If a defender goes out of field he/she shall be declared out.
- An attacker and chaser shall not violet any of the rules pertaining to them. It shall be a foul if any of the rules is violated.
A. If a defender is put out as a result of such a foul or a foul is committed immediately as a result of the action taken in putting a defender out, defender shall not be declared out. The protection from beingout due to a foul is applicable to a defender who was being actually chased at the time of committing a foul.
B. At the time of ‘Touching at the Post’ (Pole Dive), dragging of rear leg and turning of shoulder line more than 90o will not be a foul but touching and/or crossing central lane by any part of the body will be a foul. In this case shoulder line foul should be ignored.
- If an attacker violets any rules, the umpire shall declare a foul by blowing a short whistle continuously and shall compel the attacker to go in the direction opposite to that of which he is going. Immediately on hearing a signal given by the umpire by his whistle, the attacker shall go to the direction indicated by the umpire and if the defender is being chased at that time, thereby becomes out he shall not be declared out and the attacker shall have to follow the direction indicated by the umpire. He need not give KHO.
If an attacker commits a foul of ‘to recede’ and continues his attack, as a result of attacker’s action, defender goes out of the ground, he shall not be declared ‘out’. The term ‘as a result of action’ implies that there should not be time lapse between foul and action. The action putting out a defender is supposed to be a continuation of action of foul or its follow through.
If a foul committed by either attacker or chaser does not give any advantage whatsoever to the chasing side in their chase and disadvantage to the defenders, it shall not be declared by continuous short blasts of whistle