India is all set to host the inaugural Kho Kho World Cup 2025, a landmark event that promises to bring global attention to the fast-paced and traditional Indian sport. Scheduled from January 13 to January 19, 2025, the tournament will take place at the prestigious Indira Gandhi Stadium in New Delhi.
This historic event marks a significant milestone in Kho Kho’s evolution from a beloved regional pastime to an internationally recognized sport. The World Cup will feature teams from 24 countries across six continents, reflecting the sport’s growing popularity worldwide.
Participating Nations:
- Asia: India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Iran, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia.
- Europe: England, Germany, Netherlands, Poland.
- North America: USA.
- South America: Brazil, Peru, Argentina.
- Africa: Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa.
- Oceania: Australia, New Zealand.
With India at the forefront of organizing this prestigious event, the Kho Kho World Cup 2025 aims to provide a global platform for athletes to showcase their skills, promote cultural exchange, and celebrate the rich heritage of the sport. Enthusiasts and spectators worldwide are eagerly anticipating this groundbreaking tournament that promises thrilling matches and unforgettable moments.
Stay tuned for more updates as the countdown to the Kho Kho World Cup begins!